About Us

Memorial Foundation

The Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation strives to perpetuate the memory of New Mexico law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving their communities.
The foundation’s determination to preserve the rich history of New Mexico law enforcement and provide support for the families of peace officers has remained unparalleled since its incorporation.

Financial Assistance

The NMPOMF Financial Assistance Program was developed from a strong sense of commitment to peace officers’ and their families.
The Financial Assistance program was instituted to provide financial assistance to Family Members and Co-workers to attend Memorial Services, Counseling Seminars and Training Sessions in honor of the men and women who made the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty.

Your Tax Exempt Donations Make a Difference

The NMPOMF is a 501(C)(3) charity. 
The following are just a few services that the NMPOMF provides to families and Co-workers of killed or injured officers:

  • Assistance to attend Memorial Services.
  • Counseling Services.
  • Training Sessions.


Meet our Amazing team

Bob Martinez


Retired from the United States Department of Justice. He currently serves as a Commissioner on the New Mexico Public Safety Advisory Commission. He also is a life long member of the Fraternal Order of Police.

Robert Radosevich


Retired from the Bernalillo County Sheriffs Department. He currently works as an Auto Theft Detective for the Albuquerque Police Department. He is a life long member of the Fraternal Order of Police.

Sharon Valtierra


Is the wife of a retired Albuquerque Police Officer. She currently serves as the Executive Assistant for the Fraternal Order of Police Albuquerque Lodge #1. She also served as the Chair of the National Peace Officers Memorial Service Committee and has been a member of the Committee for twenty three years, She has worked closely with many law enforcement survivors, co-workers and friends of Fallen Heroes.

Linda Martinez


Currently serves as the President of the Fraternal Order of Police Albuquerque Lodge #1 Auxiliary and the Secretary of the Fraternal Order of Police National Auxiliary. She has worked closely with families, coworkers, and friends of our Fallen Heroes at the local, state and national levels.She is married to a retired federal law enforcement officer.